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Bencana terjadi di mana-mana. Yang terbaru adalah bencana laptop DPR. Meski belum terealisasikan, tapi rencana pengadaannya saja sudah saya anggap bencana besar. Kenapa demikian? Karena hal itu mencerminkan telah runtuhnya nurani kemanusiaan dari hati manusia-manusia yang seharusnya menjadi pembela rakyat, dan bukan sebaliknya menghambur-hamburkan uang rakyat.

Bayangkan saja, harga yang diajukan untuk membeli laptop tersebut adalah 21 juta per unit untuk 550 anggota DPR Pusat. Totalnya adalah 12,1 milyar rupiah. Jumlah tersebut belum termasuk biaya pembelian aksesoris (seperti scanner dll.) yang konon dianggarkan seharga lebih dari 1 milyar rupiah.

Miris saya mendengarnya. Mereka benar-benar tidak punya perasaan, bahkan TIDAK TAHU MALU! Di saat banyak sekali manusia Indonesia yang untuk makan saja harus berjuang setengah mati, para anggota dewan yang terhormat ini justru mengajukan anggaran untuk membeli benda yang menurut saya sudah pasti MUBAZIR!

Kenapa demikian? Dalam salah satu program TV, pengamat politik Arbi Sanit mengungkapkan bahwa jumlah anggota DPR yang bisa mengetik tidak lebih dari 50%. Jadi pembelian laptop canggih dengan fasilitas komplit itu jelas-jelas merupakan kemewahan yang sia-sia, karena jangankan memanfaatkan fasilitas canggih, untuk mengetik saja tidak semua anggota dewan mampu melakukannya . Uang sejumlah itu akan jauh lebih bermanfaat jika digunakan untuk membantu rakyat, warga negara Indonesia, yang terkena bencana.

Selain itu, pekerjaan di DPR sudah cukup lengkap fasilitasnya. Di masing-masing fraksi dan komisi sudah dilengkapi dengan staf ahli dan juga staff administrasi. Jadi kalau alasannya adalah untuk peningkatan kinerja anggota dewan seperti yang diungkapkan Agung Laksono sang ketua dewan, yang perlu dilakukan adalah meng-upgrade otak dan hati para anggota dewan ini agar lebih cerdas dan halus perasaannya, sehingga mampu membaca keinginan rakyat yang konon diwakilinya.

Bicara soal harga, ICW (Indonesia Corruption Watch) bahkan menduga telah terjadi mark-up dalam pengajuan anggaran tersebut. Menurut ICW, laptop dengan specs seperti yang diajukan bisa diperoleh dengan harga 10 sampai 15 juta rupiah saja. Buat saya itu bahkan sudah terlalu mahal, karena kalau toh keperluannya hanya untuk mengetik, laptop bekas seharga dua juta pun sudah terlalu mewah buat mereka.

Sekarang, mari kita tunggu apakah rencana pembelian laptop tersebut akan goal atau tidak. Kalau batal, berarti masih tersisa sedikit rasa malu di hati para anggota dewan yang tidak terhormat itu. Tapi bila goal, maka marilah kita sama-sama berdoa agar Tuhan masih mau mengampuni mereka, karena pengkhianatan terhadap kepercayaan rakyat seperti ini merupakan dosa yang sangat besar dan hanya dilakukan oleh orang-orang munafik berhati bejat yang tidak berperikemanusiaan!

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Pemanasan Global, Pro dan Kontra

Meskipun (menurut perasaan) temperatur di sekitar kita terlihat berfluktuasi secara tetap, namun pada kenyataannya (berdasarkan data yang ada) ternyata selama 50 tahun terakhir ini temperatur rata-rata di Bumi telah naik secara cepat. Penyebab utama naiknya temperatur Bumi adalah akibat efek rumah kaca yang menurut sebagian ahli disebabkan oleh meningkatnya kandungan gas Karbon Dioksida (CO2) dan partikel polutan lainnya di atmosfer Bumi. Diibaratkan selimut, gas-gas tersebut akan menghalangi energi panas yang dipantulkan kembali oleh Bumi ke ruang angkasa.

Untuk membayangkan efek rumah kaca ini sangat mudah. Mungkin ada di antara anda yang sudah pernah merasakan bagaimana ketika pertama kali memasuki sebuah mobil yang diparkir di tempat yang panas. Temperatur di dalam mobil akan terasa lebih panas daripada temperatur di luar, karena energi panas yang masuk ke dalam mobil terperangkap di dalamnya dan tidak bisa keluar.

Pada kondisi yang normal, efek rumah kaca adalah “baik” karena dengan demikian Bumi akan menjadi hangat dan dapat menjadi tempat hidup manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya. Tanpa efek rumah kaca, bagian Bumi yang tidak terkena sinar matahari akan menjadi sangat dingin seperti di dalam freezer lemari es anda (-18C). Sejarah terbentuknya Bumi hingga bisa ditempati oleh manusia seperti saat ini sebenarnya tak lepas dari ‘jasa’ efek rumah kaca. Jadi sebenarnya yang namanya efek rumah kaca itu sudah ada sejak jaman dahulu kala seiring dengan proses terbentuknya Bumi.

Kondisi akan menjadi tidak baik jika kandungan gas-gas rumah kaca di atmosfer Bumi semakin hari semakin meningkat. Kenapa demikian? karena dengan semakin meningkatnya gas-gas rumah kaca, semakin memanas pula Bumi, akibatnya akan terjadi pencairan es di daerah kutub yang dapat menenggelamkan sebagian daratan tempat manusia dan makhluk-makhluk hidup darat lainnya tinggal.

Gas rumah kaca yang saat ini banyak disalahkan oleh sebagian ahli pengusung isu pemanasan global adalah gas CO2 di atmosfer. Sementara sebagian ahli lain berpendapat bahwa sebenarnya jumlah CO2 di atmosfer tidak cukup signifikan untuk dijadikan “kambing hitam” pemanasan global karena jumlahnya yang hanya 0.04%. Selain itu, para ahli ini juga menyatakan bahwa seluruh gas yang ada di atmosfer adalah gas rumah kaca, tanpa terkecuali dimana komposisi terbesar adalah nitrogen (78%), oksigen (21%) dan uap air (hingga 3%). Nah lo, pusing kan jadinya? Santai, tidak perlu pusing…

Lalu, apakah yang menyebabkan meningkatnya kandungan karbon dioksida dan partikel polutan di atmosfer? Ternyata kontribusi terbesar adalah akibat pemakaian bahan bakar fosil seperti batubara, gas dan minyak Bumi. Ketiga jenis bahan bakar tersebut adalah yang paling murah saat ini jika dibandingkan dengan sumber energi lainnya. Pemakaiannya pun dari tahun ke tahun terus mengalami peningkatan yang sangat berarti setelah tercetusnya revolusi industri. Apalagi kalau sekarang kita sering merasakan kemacetan di mana-mana akibat jumlah kendaraan bermotor dan “bermobil” yang meningkat. Pabrik/industri yang tumbuh di mana-mana untuk memenuhi pola konsumsi masyarakat modern yang semakin hari semakin meningkat. Namun hal ini juga disangkal oleh sebagian ahli. Menurut mereka, kontribusi dari penggunaan bahan bakar fosil di seluruh dunia dalam menambah jumlah CO2 hanyalah 0,013% (sedikit sekali bukan?). Wah jadi makin seru deh sampai di sini…

Pro dan kontra terus terjadi, namun demikian seiring dengan adanya Protokol Kyoto (1997), Beberapa negara maju sepakat untuk mengurangi jumlah emisi gas CO2 dengan mengurangi pemakaian bahan bakar fosil sebanyak 30% dalam 10 tahun ke depan. Untuk itu saat ini beberapa negara maju/industri telah mencoba mengembangkan metode dan teknologi dalam rangka memanfaatkan sumber-sumber energi alternatif yang (lebih) ramah lingkungan, terutama sumber energi yang terbarukan.

Apa itu energi terbarukan? Energi terbarukan adalah lawan kata dari energi tak terbarukan (anak kecil juga tahu kalau gitu sih). Jadi begini, energi terbarukan adalah energi yang dapat dipakai secara terus- menerus tanpa perlu kuatir sumber dari energi tersebut akan habis. Lawan katanya adalah energi tak terbarukan yaitu energi yang jika dipakai secara terus-menerus akan habis pada suatu waktu tertentu. Jadi jelas kan sekarang? Apa saja contoh dari energi terbarukan? banyak sekali, seperti energi angin, matahari, panas bumi, air, dan biomassa (berasal dari tanaman perkebunan, pertanian, hutan, sampah, dan peternakan).

Sebenarnya, secara alamiah di alam, akibat adanya interaksi antara laut dan udara (seperti TNI aja ya?), jumlah energi panas yang ada di atmosfer dan di permukaan laut akan dapat dikontrol oleh mekanisme global conveyor belt. Apa itu global conveyor belt? Global conveyor belt adalah sirkulasi global yang berperan dalam mentransfer (memindahkan) energi panas dari suatu tempat ke tempat lainnya melalui aliran udara dan air laut. Pola iklim di bumi diatur oleh mekanisme ini.

Satu hal yang perlu diingat adalah bahwa ‘ketakutan’ dan analisis sebagian ahli akan pemanasan global selama ini masih baru didasarkan melulu pada hasil model numerik yang belum secara ’sungguh-sungguh’ dibandingkan dengan data pengamatan. Selain itu, kebanyakan model yang digunakan saat ini masih jauh dari sempurna dalam merumuskan mekanisme rumit sesungguhnya yang terjadi di Bumi.

Memang pemanasan global sedang dan terus akan terjadi, demikian juga dengan efek rumah kaca. Mencairnya es yang terbentuk sejak jaman es pun terus berlangsung karena memang temperatur bumi mengalami perubahan dari semenjak es itu dahulu terbentuk, permukaan laut pun terus mengalami kenaikan (yang dikenal dengan istilah sea level rise). Siklus seperti itu terus terjadi dan takkan terhindarkan. Sebagian pakar menyatakan bahwa fenomena itu masih merupakan suatu kewajaran yang memang harus terjadi dan tak perlu ditakutkan, sementara itu pakar yang lain -seperti yang telah saya tuliskan di atas- menyatakan bahwa dalam kurun waktu 50 tahun terakhir ini “kecepatan” dari fenomena ini meningkat dan berada pada level yang “sangat mengkhawatirkan”, artinya jika “masa mengkhawatirkan” ini tidak segera diredam, maka ke depannya peradaban manusia akan mengalami masalah yang serius.

Jadi memang tak ada salahnya untuk membuat suatu aksi yang positif. Setidaknya, dengan mengurangi emisi CO2 dan mengurangi pemakaian bahan bakar fosil serta mencoba alternatif energi ramah lingkungan dan terbarukan, akan menjadikan Bumi sedikit bersih dari polutan yang telah membuat manusia sesak nafas dan teracuni paru-parunya. Apalagi untuk Indonesia yang saat ini berada pada tingkat polusi yang katanya sudah agak membahayakan bagi kesehatan penduduknya.

*disarikan dari berbagai sumber*

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[INFO] PhD Scholarships Max Planck Research School

PhD Scholarships

Firma/Institution: Max Planck Research School Land:
Position: PhD Position eingegangen

PhD Scholarships
within the International Max Planck Research School
for Quantum Dynamics in Physics, Chemistry and Biology

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Quantum Dynamics in
Physics, Chemistry and Biology is a graduate school offering a doctoral degree
program in these disciplines.The IMPRS is a joint initiative of the Max Planck
Institute for Nuclear Physics, Ruprecht-Karls University, the German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), the Max Planck Institute for Medical reserach (all in
Heidelberg) and the Heavy Ion Research Center (GSI) in Darmstadt. Membership in
the Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics is envisaged. Further
information may be found on the school's website

Applications of students from all countries are welcome. To be eligible for PhD
studies at the University of Heidelberg, applicants should have a Master of
Science degree (or equivalent). Applicants who do not have a Master thesis may
be accepted if they can prove their ability to carry out independent research
projects. International applicants whose mother-tongue is not English or German
are advised to provide a proof of English proficiency.

At equal level of qualification, candidates with disabilities are given
preference. Women are encouraged to apply.

Applications for the academic program starting in September 2007 must be
received by May 15, 2007. Each applicant has to initiate his/her application by
registering online at and following the steps
outlined there.

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[INFO] Doctoral Scholarships for the New PhD Program "The Economics

Doctoral Scholarships for the New PhD Program "The Economics of
Innovative Change"

Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany)

The new research training group / Graduiertenkolleg 1411 �The
Economics of Innovative Change� (Die �konomik des innovativen
Wandels) started on October 1st, 2006 at the Department of Economics
of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena in cooperation with the Max
Planck Institute of Economics, Jena.

The program is funded by the German Science Foundation. It offers top
level graduated students the opportunity to achieve a doctoral degree
(PhD) in economics. Meanwhile the research group comprises 25 PhD
students and 2 Postdocs. Continuous enrollment in the program is

The Research Training Group offers several scholarships for doctoral
students (duration of 2+1 years) with a background in economics and
business administration.

The Research Training Group �The Economics of Innovative Change� will
address unresolved questions and problems concerning the economic
dynamics of firms, markets, sectors and regions with an analytical
focus on the endogenous driving forces mainly understood as the
activities of invention and innovation. The variety of topics that is
dealt with covers the foundations of individual behaviour and the
economic and institutional environment, the generation of innovations
together with the organizational forms of activities of invention and
innovations, the change of the sectoral structures caused by
innovations, the role of the demand side in this context, as well as
the political management of change.

The scholarship positions require a permanent and active
participation in the study and the research program of the research
training group. Therefore all scholarship holders are expected to
choose Jena as their place of residence.

Applications are expected to include

� CV, copy of diploma, BA, MA certificate, copy of diploma or master
thesis, writing sample (about 10 pages), 2 reference letters from
academic teachers, 1 page statement on the expected benefit from
participating in the program;
� the application form: visit our homepage http://www.wiwi.uni-, download, fill in and return to us;

and be mailed to the spokesman of the Research Training Group:

Professor Dr. Uwe Cantner Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Department of Economics Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3 D-07743 Jena e-mail:
uwe.cantner @

Application is possible on a continuous basis. Please do not send any
originals because materials submitted cannot be returned to the

For more information on the structure, teaching staff and objectives
of the Research Training Group please visit: http://www.wiwi.uni-

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[Indonesia] Research Assistant with Full Scholarship

Research Assistant (40 hours, 18 months) with S2 FULL SCHOLARSHIP in BiNus University


  • Min. education S1 with top 10% class (GPS minimum 3.00) in any discipline from accredited top-rated university in Indonesia and overseas, graduated not later than year 2004
  • Computer proficiency and working knowledge of MS Office - Word, Excel. (Knowledge of SPSS is an advantage)
  • Research experience and report writing skills
  • Self-motivated; able to work with minimal supervision
  • Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills
  • Obtaining a recommendation letter from Dean or Head of Department

* RAs will not be offered any salary, allowances and insurance

General requirements:

  • Graduate in recognized School/Institute/Academy/University background
  • Has initiative and team work
  • Excellent written and spoken English with min. TOEFL score 550 or equivalent
  • Good analytical & conceptual thinking, creative & innovative
  • Computer literacy and internet skill
  • Agree and willing to work on Saturday


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Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship Program

The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship Program is a mean to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides the qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue a Master of Business Administration degree at leading business schools overseas. Upon completing the program, scholars are expected to return to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer their knowledge to their fellow citizens.

Application deadline is April 30, 2007. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. Applicant may apply for more than one of Sampoerna Foundation scholarship programs concurrently.

No. | Name of Scholarship(s) | Maximum number of scholarship(s) granted for 2008 Intake

1. Sampoerna Foundation (SF) MBA in the US | 4
2. Fulbright – SF MBA in the US Scholarship* | 3
3. Australian Education International (AEI) – SF MBA in Australia | 4
4. Ambassade de France en Indon�sie – SF MBA in France | 2
5. British Council (BC) – SF MBA in the UK | 2
6. Singapore Education (SE) – SF MBA in Singapore | 2

*Please contact AMINEF about this particular program and how to apply.

What are the requirements?

A. Basic Requirements

  • Indonesian citizen under 35 years of age when lodging the application
  • Hold a local Bachelor degree from any discipline with a minimum GPA of 3.25 (on a 4.00 scale)
  • Have a minimum of 2 year full-time professional work experience after completion of undergraduate degree
  • Have a valid proof of GMAT and TOEFL as required by each Program (GMAT and TOEFL score can be submitted when applicants pass Sampoerna Foundation selection)
  • Not currently enrolled in graduate/post-graduate program/school
  • Not enrolled or graduated from an overseas tertiary institution, unless it was on a full scholarship
  • Not receiving other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar benefit at the time of the award
  • Demonstrate they are from financially disadvantaged family and without the scholarship, will not be able to study for an overseas MBA program

B. What is covered?

This scholarship is worth approximately USD 70,000 – to USD 150,000 per student, depending on the country and university, for the duration of study and covers:

  • GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS reimbursement, one time only, based on original invoice, for GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS taken no more than 6 months prior to the scholarship application;
  • University application fee, for up to 2 (two) universities;
  • Student visa application fee;
  • Return airfares from Jakarta to the place of study;
  • Tuition fees;
  • Living allowance;
  • Literature allowance.

C. List of universities

Sampoerna Foundation recommends the 2008 scholarship applicants to apply for admission to any of the following universities:

Sampoerna Foundation (SF) MBA in the USA Scholarship and Fulbright – SF MBA in the USA Scholarship
1. Harvard University (MA)
2. Stanford University (CA)
3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)
5. Northwestern University (Kellogg) (IL)
6. University of Chicago
7. Columbia University (NY)
8. University of California–Berkeley (Haas)
9. Dartmouth College (Tuck) (NH)
10. University of California–Los Angeles (Anderson)
11. Duke University (Fuqua) (NC)
12. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross)
13. New York University (Stern)
14. University of Virginia (Darden)
15. Yale University (CT)
16. Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) (PA)
17. Cornell University (Johnson) (NY)
18. Emory University (Goizueta) (GA)
19. University of Texas–Austin (McCombs)
20. University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)
21. Purdue University–West Lafayette (Krannert) (IN)
22. Ohio State University (Fisher)
23. Indiana University–Bloomington (Kelley)
24. Michigan State University (Broad)
25. University of Minnesota–Twin Cities (Carlson)

* Reference: US News 2007 Top US Business Schools (

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Optimizing Adsense For Better Performance and More Money!

Optimizing Adsense For Better Performance and More Money!
By: Martin Lemieux

So you want to make money with Google Adsense? I don’t blame you, who doesn’t want residual income! This article will show you how to better optimize Google Adsense to make more money from your web site(s).

Before we get into it, learn more about Google Adsense here:

First and foremost is: Positioning

Where you position your Adsense link boxes and banner ads is extremely important. Trying to make money from the bottom of your pages within your website just won’t cut it. You need to add your Adsense links right in the heart of your template or right in the heart of your content. I would personally suggest both actually.

Adding Adsense in the heart of your template:

Link Units:

Since the introduction of Google Adsense “link units”, we can now add what looks like a “menu system” to compliment our menu system within our website. This is HUGE. Have you ever just clicked on a website and kept clicking on the menu links? I know we all have. By adding a “Google link units” to your menu, you will get more clicks than you thought possible. Try adding the link units near the top for better performance and try creating your link units to match the color of your menu system in place. Once in a while I find myself clicking on a menu link unit without even realizing it which in turn gives more money to the website owner.

Leaderboards & Skyscrapers:

These may very well be your “bread & butter”. I only say this because of the sheer size of these ads units. The best place to add these ad units is obvious; Straight across the very top of your website (leaderboards), and straight down the side of your template (skyscrapers). Anywhere else may not look proper within your template and may look unprofessional.

Square & Rectangle Ad Units:

These are great to compliment the mass amount of content within your website and also within your recommended resources. You want to compliment your content, you don’t want Adsense to BE your content because this will look poor on your part. Adsense is very popular with webmasters; who doesn’t want to make some extra money. However, don’t forget that many of your visitors are also used to seeing Adsense within a website, and need a good reason to click on them.

Square and rectangular units are great to use within articles posted on your website or within your link resources. Try adding your Adsense boxes above your resource links within a page to give your Adsense account that added extra exposure.

Just remember that Google allows up to 3 ad units per page. Using these 3 strategies will help to better optimize Adsense for positioning! Let’s now go onto targeting…

Optimizing Adsense: Taking out non-related ads!

Do you ever wonder how ads like “business card specials” ever get displayed on to your website when your company content is all about baby clothing? Since the introduction of “Adwords Site Targeting”, we now have to keep an eye on the ads being displayed on our website(s). Companies may now specifically target your website for more exposure. There is no restriction whether the website is content related or not, just more marketing exposure for the advertiser.

Filtering Adsense Advertisers:

Within your Adsense manager, you have the option of using the “Competition Filter” which allows us to remove certain websites from the ads being displayed regularly. This is going to be an on-going optimization task in the future. Without filtering the ads being displayed within your website, you might find yourself with ads unrelated to your industry and possibly some ads that have a negative effect within your site.

If you don’t remove all the unwanted ads being displayed on your website, you might end up hurting your Adsense performance online. The more targeted you can get your Google Adsense ads to display on each page, the better your chances at being able to make more money. Try to take a moment every week to study the ads being displayed on your website.

Open up a note pad, or word document and record all the websites you don’t want to be displayed anymore. Add these sites to your “filter list” within your Adsense account.

Remember to add the website (within your filter list) like so: - without the www. Adding anything after or before the url will only prevent the company from displaying one of their many ads like so ( This way you stop anything from the entire website from showing up within your Adsense campaign online. The more you optimize your Adsense filter, the better your performance will pick up and the less non-related ads will be displayed on your website.

One constant that holds true with Adsense:

The more pages you have with your Adsense campaign being displayed, the more you WILL make. People who have online networks immediately can profit from Google Adwords because they have the power to add their Adsense boxes & banners onto multiple websites, possibly 1000’s of pages.

Should you add Adsense to your website?

If you own a small company that has a brochure type website that gets maybe 50-100 visitors a day, I recommend NOT adding Adsense to your site. It will never make enough money with that kind of traffic. Remember: Your Adsense campaign needs to make over $100 to get paid out.

If your company receives around 500-1000+ visitors a day, you can now start considering to make money through Google. Adsense is all about numbers. Play the numbers to make more money. In fact, try making goals for yourself to make X amount of dollars through your Adsense account by a certain time. Doing this will only increase your business and make your company more powerful online by increasing the amount of traffic it receives.

For multiple websites, channels are important:

Google allows you to track the performance of multiple websites all in one account which ultimately gives you the ability to track how many visitors you’re getting for each website. It also allows you to work harder on those sites that aren’t up to par.

I consistently look at each individual website channel to work harder at promoting the ones that aren’t performing well. By doing this, we increase the amount of promotion going into the websites that under perform, and in turn eventually increase the business for those websites as well. The more you promote your website, the more the exposure you will ultimately deliver for your Adsense campaign and your company.

Google Search with Adsense:

To top all that off, you can add Google search within your site to give visitors a search function for your content and to allow people to also click on your Adsense program. Please note that for Google search to work, your website and all of its content pages must already be indexed by Google. Adding the Google search bar to your site right away won’t help your visitors at all.

For more Google Adsense optimization tips, go here:

Don’t forget to read the Google Adsense Policies & Procedures:

I hope this article helps you to make more money!

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Adlink Success - A New Advertising Style From Google Adsense

There is a new advertising style from Google Adsense that is available in your Adsense panel, it is called Google Ad Links.

This new ad system presents a list of 4 or 5 vertical links(you can pick either 4 or 5 and Google will supply the actually links) to your site visitors, when the visitors click on one of the targeted contextual words it displays a results page from Google listing ten Adwords advertisers ads for this related topic.

Here is what Google says Adlinks are: What are Ad Links by Google?

Ad Links are a new form of text advertising that we’re offering to our AdSense publishers. Using the same contextual targeting algorithm that targets Google ads to your content pages, Ad Links units display a list of topics that are relevant to your page. Each topic, when clicked, brings the user to a page of related advertisements.

The result is advertisements that are closely targeted to the interests of your users. By selecting the topics through interaction with the ad unit, users are presented with useful information in the form of related advertisements. Their direct involvement with the evolution of the ad unit guarantees an interest in the ads that are presented.

Positive Aspects of Adlinks:

They allow you to blend this in with sections of your links which will get more visitors to click on them, inevitably increase your Adsense revenue.

The Adlinks ads display 10 ad results when clicked without cluttering you page.

Googles rules allow you to place three Adsense code block on a website. If you are doing this near say a 500 word article it can distract the visitor from viewing the article. With Adlinks you can still display 1 block of normal Adsense code and the Adlinks block and it keeps your page relatively nice looking while still giving you revenue potential.

Negative Aspects of Adlinks:

Adlinks requires your visitors to make two clicks. One on the original Adlinks block and one when they view the Adlink results. As any marketer knows the more actions you need a visitor to take the less the response rate.

Where are the best places to display Adlinks ads?

The best place to display them are within your navigation menu. Try to make them blend in as best as possible.

Another great place to put them is at the end of an article suggesting an interested reader view these resources. When doing this the reader is very targeted since they red your whole article and if they are likely leaving your website, why not let them leave through Adlinks and make some money?

Are Adlink ads as effective as the normal ad blocks?

Well some have seen positive results while other have not. Personally I am going to test it some more to see what kind of results and make my decision then.

author :

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