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Apakah Anji Drive memukul calon istrinya?

Perang antara Anji dengan calon istrinya, Wina Natalia belum juga selesai. Sejak hari Sabtu (29/10/2011) kemarin, mantan vokalis Drive dan janda Wishnutama itu terus adu mulut di dunia maya.

Kabar terbaru dari calon suami istri itu, Anji memukuli Wina Natalia. Hal ini terlihat saat Wina mencurahkan isi hatinya melalui akun twitter miliknya. Wina memberikan pernyataan yang mengarahkan kalau Anji suka memukul dirinya.

"@winatalia: Pasangan yang baik tidak akan memukul," ujar Wina beberapa jam yang lalu, Minggu (30/10/2011).

Selain suka memukuli Wina, Anji terlihat juga sering mempermalukan mantan istri Wishnutama itu di depan keluarganya.

"@winatalia: @erdiAN_aJI | mau mukul gw lagi? Ato mau mempermalukan keluarga gw?" ungkap Wina Natalia.

Selain memukuli calon istrinya, Wina juga sempat berkicau kalau Anji berselingkuh. Bahkan Wina juga sempat bercerita kepada teman-temannya melalui dunia maya kalau Anji kini menghamili seorang model bernama Raline Shah.

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Yuni Shara tidak mauu berkomentar soal Ayu Ting Ting

Yuni Shara mengakui kalau hubungannya dengan Raffi Ahmad saat ini sedang vakum. Ketika ditanya apakah Ayu Ting Ting yang menjadi penyebab keretakan hubungan mereka ia tak mau berkomentar. "Kalau soal orang ketiga aku no comment. Ya, semoga dengan begini Raffi berubah menjadi dewasa," ujar Yuni saat ditemui dalam Acara Mandiri Fiesta, TMII, Jakarta Timur, Sabtu (29/10/2011).

Yuni Shara mengungkap soal hubungannya dengan Raffi. "Kami tadi masih bertemu sekedar cipika cipiki, selama ini saya dan Raffi jarang berkomunikasi. Hubungan kami sedang vakum. Raffi belum berubah, tidak dewasa. Hanya janji saja tapi tidak ditepati," tandasnya.

Yuni berharap semoga ke depannya akan lebih baik buat mereka. "Bukan karena dia membeli mobil seharga Rp 2 M itu. Yang pasti ke depannya aku pasrah, semoga yang terbaik untuk kita berdua," harapnya.

Ditemui di tempat yang sama, adik Yuni Shara, Krisdayanti pun berujar, "Sangat menyayangkan kalau mereka sampai putus."

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Mantan Istri Beberkan Wanita-wanita Ustad Solmed

Dewi Yulianti terus saja membeberkan aib mantan suaminya, Ustad Solmed. Kali ini Dewi mengaku bahwa semasa ia hidup bersama Solmed banyak wanita di sekelilingnya.
Dengan nada bicara polos Dewi membenarkan jika Solmed yang pernah mengisi hidupnya itu seorang laki-laki mata keranjang. Benarkah?

"Iya, betul sekali. Perceraian saya aja karena itu," cetus Dewi saat dihubungi melalui telepon, Kamis (27/10).

Dewi berani menjamin apa yang ia katakan perihal aib mantan suaminya. Bahkan ia siap membuktikan kebenarannya.

"Boleh di cek di pengadilan Agama Jakarta Barat kenapa saya layangkan gugatan. Di situ saya cantumkan nama selingkuhan dia, seperti Iis, Ega, Eni. Itu yang ketahuan yah, nggak tahu yang belum," papar Dewi.

Dewi melanjutkan, ia bahkan pernah mendapati suaminya kala itu mengirim pesan singkat yang mesra kepada wanita lain.

"Saya sering mergokin dia sms'an sama mereka (selingkuhan) dan jalan di mall, nonton (bioskop)," tandasnya. [mor]

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Kapolda Jambi Baru Ingin Kulo Nuwun

Tak banyak yang bisa disampaikan Brigjen (Pol) Anang Iskandar, saat ditanya langkah 100 hari kerja pertamanya sebagai Kapolda Jambi baru. Yang pasti, Anang mengaku akan bersilaturahmi dan komunikasi dengan stakeholder yang ada di Jambi pada awal tugasnya.
"Saya ingin silaturahmi dulu, ingin kulo nuwun dulu, ingin komunikasi dengan jajaran. Nanti kalau saya sudah tahu, saya akan sampaikan (program kerja)," ujar Anang, saat ditemui usai upacara serah terima jabatan di Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Jumat (28/10/2011).
Tak ingin dikatakan sekadar memberi jawaban formal, Anang yang sebelumnya menjabat Direktur Advokasi Deputi Bidang Pencegahan Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN), mengakui kasus peredaran narkoba di Jambi akan menjadi prioritas kerjanya. Apalagi, Jambi adalah pintu masuk Batam, Riau, dan Palembang. "

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Yel-yel Iringi Menantu Ical Jadi Ketua Umum KNPI

Taufan Rotorasiko akhirnya terpilih menjadi Ketua Komite Nasional Pemuda Indonesia(KNPI) periode 2011-2014. Menantu Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie ini mendapat perolehan suara sebanyak 68 suara.
Sepuluh kandidat yang bertarung memperebutkan posisi Ketua KNPI adalah Taufan Rotorasiko, Sahrin Hamid, Doly Kurnia, Sultan Najamudin, Ariza Sabana, Shoim, SJ Arifin,Arip Mustopa, Cupli Risman dan Nuzran Joher.
Berdasarkan pers rilis yang diterima, Taufan mendapatkan 68 suara disusul Ariza 25 suara, Doly Kurnia 23 suara, sahrin Hamid 22 suara, serta kandidat lain hanya memiliki suara rata-rata dibawah 10 suara dari 159 suara sah yang diperebutkan (karena GMKI dan HIPMI tidak hadir dalam pemilihan). Dengan demikian sebagaimana Pasal 3 ayat 3 poin c,Taufan resmi terpilih jadi ketua.
Pada proses pemilihan situasi berlangsung tertib dan seru. Diringi yel-yel para pendukung kandidat, juga antusiasme peserta mengikuti pencoblosan yang dilakukan setiap utusan OKP dan DPD KNPI Propinsi serta penghitungan kertas suara, Taufan Rotorasiko sendiri mendapat dukungan di atas 20 persen.

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Kapolda NTT Baru Anggap Jabatannya sebagai Tugas Negara

Kapolri Jenderal (Pol) Timur Pradopo melantik empat kapolda baru dan sejumlah perwira tinggi dalam upacara serah terima jabatan di Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Jumat (28/10/2011).
Pelatikan dilakukan berdasarkan surat Telegram Rahasia (TR) Nomor ST/2044/X/2011 tertanggal 19 Oktober 2011 sebelumnya. Kapolri menyerahterimakan tongkat komando dari pejabat lama ke pejabat baru sebagai sombol serah terima jabatan.
Satu di antara, perwira tinggi Polri yang dilantik, yakni Brigjen (Pol) Ricky Helbert Parulian Sitohang yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Kapus Provos Polri. Mantan Kapolres Alor ini dilantik menjadi Kapolda NTT menggantikan Brigjen (Pol) Yorry Yance Worang.

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Mahasiswa 'Pembobol' Paspampres Terkenal Nekat

Ikbal Sabarudin (23) tercatat baru lulus beberapa bulan lalu dari Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati (UIN SGD) Bandung. Ikbal masuk ke UIN SGD pada 2007 dan kuliah di Jurusan Tafsir Hadits Fakultas Ushuludin.
Ikbal ditangkap anggota Paspampres setelah nekat menyelonong memasuki wilayah ring 1 dan membentangkan pamflet kritikan kepada pemerintah tepat di depan Wapres Boediono saat peringatan Hari Sumpah Pemuda di Stadion Siliwangi, Bandung, kemarin.
Selama kuliah, Ikbal tidak memperlihatkan kekritisannya sebagaimana halnya seorang aktivis kampus. Paling tidak, itulah yang diketahui Hafid Azhar (21), mahasiswa Sastra Arab UIN SGD, rekan Ikbal.
"Ikbal itu orangnya praktis. Kalau dia mau, dia lakuin. Mungkin aksi ini juga kayak gitu. Kalau soal ada yang menyuruh aksi, saya enggak tahu. Aksi ini pun dia enggak bilang sebelumnya," ujar Hafid saat ditemui di kampus UIN SGD, Cibiru, Jumat (28/10/2011).

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Wanita Pembaca Naskah Sumpah Pemuda Tolak Dibebaskan

Usai membacakan naskah Sumpah Pemuda, Sofie Kornelia Pandean ditangkap Belanda. Dia dijebloskan ke sel. Ketika akan dibebaskan, dia menolak.
Saat itu, paman SK Pandean yang merupakan jaksa, berusaha membebaskan perempuan kelahiran Paniki Bawah 28 Agustus 1911 tersebut.
"Tapi Ibu saya tak mau keluar. Ia bilang, sahabatnya juga harus dibebaskan. Setelah semua sahabatnya dibebaskan, barulah ibu saya ikut keluar dari tahanan itu," ujarnya.
Setelah kejadian tersebut, Menurut Meity, almarhumah tak tinggal diam. Pada umur 21, tepatnya sekitar tahun 1932, SK Pandean berangkat menuju ke tanah Jawa Tengah.
Di sana wanita tersebut masuk dalam Kebaktian Rakyat Indonesia Sulawesi (KRIS), dan tinggal dengan Mandagi yang saat itu masih menjabat sebagai Kepala Pengadilan Semarang.
"Di sana ia banyak membantu pergerakan perjuangan di bawah tangan, dan masuk dalam perjuangan bambu runcing dan juga di PMI," ucap Meity.

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iPhone Presents New Operating System

Through iOS5 operating system of Apple, iPhone users can now enjoy a variety of interesting features.

IPhone 3G and iPhone4 Consumers can now make cell phone operating system upgrade to Apple's latest OS iOS5. By doing this upgrade, all the latest facilities issued for the Apple iPhone can be enjoyed from both the mobile phone. "Product or iPhone4 iPhone 3G will be more exclusive," said Lisa Widyawati, Head of Sales and Marketing of PT Sinar Eka conformable (SES) official distributor of Apple products in Indonesia.

According to Lisa, consumers who buy iPhone3GS and perform the OS upgrade free of charge has been able to enjoy the sophistication of the latest Apple technologies. This is what makes the iPhone products to be interesting. One of the advantages is the availability of features iOS5 iMassage.

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Related Blog of Aceh, Blog Atjeh Goet, Launched

Bak uroe Friday, October 28, 2011 in Denmark, Blog Atjeh Goet official launch ta, sebagoe menghubong tool missed ureng Aceh sigom donja tires, so geutanjoe bandum jeut ta keu puemantoeng contribution according to ability and willingness of Aceh, the slogan Atjeh Goet nakeuh "Aceh will Goet Meunjoe Tapeugoet ".

On the day Friday, October 28, 2011 in Denmark, Blog Atjeh Goet our official launch, as a means of connecting with the people of Aceh in the whole world, so we all can contribute anything to Aceh in accordance kemampauan and willpower. Goet Atjeh slogan is "Aceh will Goet Meunjoe Tapeugoet" (Aceh would be nice if we mebuatnya good).

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Beware ... Semur Start purportedly Malaysia!

After rendang Malasyia claimed as typical cuisine. Now turn to start cooking stews neighbor ogled country.

Members of the Community Culinary, Arie Parikshit said evidence stew began ogled the Malaysia recorded in two books published by the neighbor country. Both the title of the book is the Flavour of Malaysia and Complete Asian Cookbook. "Two cookbooks that include recipes stew," said Arie in Jakarta, Thursday (27/10).

Arie expose this situation to the attention of the people of Indonesia. For, not to Semur claimed native Malaysia. "We need to be vigilant. Waspada is not just an emotional sense, but also need concrete steps of our society," he said.

Konrit step is meant to spread information about the stew as a national identity. Because this way is considered more effective than just showing a sense of sheer emotional.

"The lesson here, they are introduced as a cooking stews, but whose name foodies will certainly find out the origins of that stew," he said.

The task of Indonesian society, continued Arie, preparing information about the whole stew. For example, the spices, how the various stews in these areas and other information. Thus, foreign foodies will conclude that the stew is a typical Indonesian cuisine. "Do not dulukan emotion, but when asked, we do not know the origin of history," he said.

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Ayu Ting Ting Apologizes at Crossfade

Ayu pedangdut Ting Ting cited as the cause of rift between her love between Raffi Ahmad and Crossfade.

That, presumably because of the frequent indulgence Ayu intimacy with Raffi on stage during musical events bring Strikes, RCTI to result Crossfade jealous.

Ayu who felt there was no special relationship with Raffi Ahmad, also chose to apologize if his actions make Crossfade Crossfade jealous.

"We are sorry if my teteh sebelmnya ma-ngeledek ngeledek like Raffi well. So the only intention of entertaining the public, joking," explained Ayu on RCTI studio, West Jakarta, Tuesday (27/10/2011).

Even if Ayu often invite intimacy with Raffi when appearing bring the show Strikes, acknowledged that Ayu was limited to working professional.

"If my professional work only. If the boss (producer) told close to Raffi on stage while I'm willing to refuse, that's an order," said Ayu. (Deva).

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What Not Allowed to Do After Exercise

You may have spent an hour a day to exercise hard. But what about the other 23 hours at a time when you do not exercise?

Well below the things you should not do after exercise:

1. Drink Sports Drink
Do not rush to consume sports drinks when your body is not really lost electrolytes. Sports drinks generally contain artificial sweeteners are not good for the body. Simply gulp of water to replace lost body fluids.

2. Not a direct feed
After strenuous exercise, your body is ready for refueling. But remember do not directly take the weight of the fatty foods, but be wise with light snacks are healthy. Small amount of protein and complex carbohydrates is enough to restore your muscles.

3.Camilan night
Choose a light and healthy snacks in the evening. Do not let this night snack choices ruin your calorie burn during the day.

4. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep is not just a means of rest, but also the recovery of energy to exercise again the next day. Sleep also produce high levels of growth hormone is believed to be a key component of muscle growth and repair. (Source:

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Common Mistakes In Submitting CV At New Graduates

Curriculum vitae is a self-representation. But new graduates often send CV that makes shaking his head. Because of lack of reference, they often make mistakes that are not realized. It is not absolutely make them rejected, but minimize the chances accepted.

Well, if you are a recent graduate who is working and does not go hunting gets a call, lest you do some of these errors.

If the company requires an image in a job application, choose a photo that makes you look professional. Do not use photos taken from Facebook just because you look good (or section). How do you want to be taken seriously when the attached photo looks playful and the crop?

Generally recruiters prefer a simple photograph. Go to the photo studio and make a good photograph - for your investment when applying for a job.

Email address
Hmm, such as email addresses or seem less attractive when displayed on the CV. You're currently applying for a job in a company so it's best to avoid the email addresses that are too personal. Create an email account with your real name for official purposes. Do not let you compete with other applicants just because your email address ludicrous.

Appropriate information
Do not send the exact same resume to all companies. Try "sewing" first every time you apply. Give emphasis on achievement or expertise relevant to the coveted position. No need to include performance "karaoke contest winner" if indeed the position you want does not require singing skills.

Educational information is also quite starting from high school only, no need playgrounds and kindergarten. In essence, lay stress on information that can show you the right person for this position.
Too long
Party recruiters will receive a stack of applications, so the first minute was crucial. Do not waste time in vain to disclose your accomplishments from since kindergarten. Make a good impression in a letter of application that they want to read until exhausted.

You may include LinkedIn or blog address which contains a portfolio when needed. But whatever happens, do not ever ask recruiters to download your own CV from the Internet. Not all offices have a good connection.

Email is empty
Just because CV stored on the cell phone, then once you see a vacancy immediately send it without trying to make a cover letter. Want to know the impression that emerged was so blank email read like this? Applicants are someone who is lazy.

Applicants just randomly send a CV to the right and left with no more effort to create an attractive cover letter.

Too long
Party recruiters will receive a stack of applications, so the first minute was crucial. Do not waste time in vain to disclose your accomplishments from since kindergarten. Make a good impression in a letter of application that they want to read until exhausted.

You may include LinkedIn or blog address which contains a portfolio when needed. But whatever happens, do not ever ask recruiters to download your own CV from the Internet. Not all offices have a good connection.

Email is empty
Just because CV stored on the cell phone, then once you see a vacancy immediately send it without trying to make a cover letter. Want to know the impression that emerged was so blank email read like this? Applicants are someone who is lazy.

Applicants just randomly send a CV to the right and left with no more effort to create an attractive cover letter.

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Fish Consumption Really Prevent Mental Illness?

A research states, the consumption of fish was able to prevent mental fatigue to dementia. This is because the fish can improve blood flow to the brain by reducing the level of mental fatigue after people perform the difficult tasks.

From the experiments conducted scientists from the University of Northumbria, UK looks omega-3 fatty acid content of fish can bring good effects on the brain reaction study participants aged 18 to 35 years.

"This discovery could have implications for mental function in later life. The evidence shows that eating oily fish regularly can prevent cognitive decline and dementia, because they can increase blood flow to the brain very well," explained lead investigator, Dr. Philippa Jackson.

According to the results of this study also shows how the fish is also very influential to improve elderly mentally. "If the elderly are the benefits are great, the benefits would be even greater for those with degenerative mental condition," added Jackson. (Source:

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Milan party goals when dealing with Parma, Thursday (27/10). Massimiliano Allegri foster children won with a score of 4-1.

Milan started the match in high spirits after last weekend to beat Lecce 4-3 after being 3-0 down in the first round.

Milan won the first chance in the 25th minute. Zlatan Ibrahimovic fired a shot from outside the penalty box as he turned. Unfortunately the kick was wide on the right side Parma goalkeeper.

Opportunities both directly Milan goal to fruition in the 30th minute. Short feedback from Ibrahimovic able to put to good use by Antonio Nocerino who direct the ball into the goal Mirante.

Dua menit kemudian, Milan berhasil menggandakan keunggulan. Kembali Nocerino mencatatkan namanya di papan skor dengan sebuah sepakan kaki kiri dari luar kotak penalti. Sebuah gol yang indah dari Nocerino.

Skor 2-0 bertahan hingga jeda.

Unggul 2-0, Milan tidak mengendurkan serangan. Menit ke-61, sebuah sepakan keras Aquilani masih berhasil ditepis oleh Mirante.

Dua menit kemudian, Sebastian Giovinco mencoba ketangguhan Abbiati. Ia melepaskan tendangan voli dari dalam kotak penalti. Meski jarang diserang, Abbiati masih sigap dan mampu menepis tendangan Giovinco.

Asyik menyerang, Parma justru kembali bobol. Sebuah umpan tandukan dari Cassano ke arah kotak penalti mampu dikejar dengan Ibrahimovic yang memenangi duel dengan bek Parma. Ibra dengan mudah memasukkan bola ke gawang Parma.

Parma able to return five minutes later. Parma quick counter-attack through Giovinco scored fruitful after successfully fooling Abate and fired hard into the goal Milan.

Milan closed the game with a hat-trick scored by Nocerino. Cassano made topsy-turvy Parma defense on the left side before finally giving feedback of the stomach into the penalty box capable headlong well by Nocerino.

4-1 score lasted until after.

The composition of players:
AC Milan: Abbiati, Abate (Mexes 78 '), Bonera, Thiago Silva, Taiwo, Aquilani (Emanuelson 72'), Ambrosini, Nocerino, Boateng, Ibrahimovic (Robinho 75 '), Cassano.

Parma: Mirante, Zaccardo, Paletta, Feltscher, Gobbi, Valiani (Biabiani 55 '), Morrone, Nwankwo (Abderrazzak 61'), Modesto (Pelle 72 '), Giovinco, Valdes.

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