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Ayu Ting Ting Apologizes at Crossfade

Ayu pedangdut Ting Ting cited as the cause of rift between her love between Raffi Ahmad and Crossfade.

That, presumably because of the frequent indulgence Ayu intimacy with Raffi on stage during musical events bring Strikes, RCTI to result Crossfade jealous.

Ayu who felt there was no special relationship with Raffi Ahmad, also chose to apologize if his actions make Crossfade Crossfade jealous.

"We are sorry if my teteh sebelmnya ma-ngeledek ngeledek like Raffi well. So the only intention of entertaining the public, joking," explained Ayu on RCTI studio, West Jakarta, Tuesday (27/10/2011).

Even if Ayu often invite intimacy with Raffi when appearing bring the show Strikes, acknowledged that Ayu was limited to working professional.

"If my professional work only. If the boss (producer) told close to Raffi on stage while I'm willing to refuse, that's an order," said Ayu. (Deva).

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